Saturday, March 7, 2009

Jalapeno Cheddar Bread

As I get poorer and have more reasons to stay home... a. I am becoming the domestic girl I have always wanted to be or have been becoming. My latest feat has been bread.  I haven't tried that hard I must admit. I've used a very simple recipe that was modified by Mark Bittman. It's called Faster No-Knead Bread. So I whipped some up yesterday before I went to clinical, I let it rise for five hours and then I baked it. This time, I added chopped up jalapenos and cheddar cheese. True to form, I did not measure the quantities of cheese or jalapenos, but it worked out well.



Quick No Knead Bread

3 cups all purpose bread flour

1 tablespoon quick yeast

some salt... (oops, don't measure that either!)

mix it up, add 1 1/2 cups of water, warm water is better.

Mix until all the dry ingredients are wet, put it in a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap. Let it sit in a warm room for about four hours. At the end of four hours on a flat surface drizzle some olive oil and take the bread out of the bowl and rub it in the olive oil. Put it back in the bowl and cover it, let it sit for another half hour.

While the bread is rising take a cast iron pot and put it in  the oven at 450, yes for the entire half hour. :)  Then take the bread and throw it in the cast iron pot, let it cook for about a half hour or 45 minutes, until it is browned on top and looks like awesome bread. Seriously, it is so easy. The boy loves it. Next time I'm trying wheat. :)

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